Legiit Review: A Platform By Freelancers For Freelancers

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I have been a freelancer for well close to 14 years and was one of the first to sign up to Legiit as a freelancer. Back then, the only form of payment was Paypal which I didn’t entirely trust but hopped on board because I had been following Chris for a while.

While things were initially slow, the platform took some getting used to, but the Legiit family was welcoming. Unlike other platforms, I wasn’t treated as just another freelancer.

I got to know the family, including Chris, who commissioned me to write some stuff for the blog. I didn’t make my first $10k in the first month or even the first year as a writer. It took me maybe 18 months to hit my first $10k, and things sort of took off after that.
As a newbie, don’t let that scare you, there is nothing wrong with the platform, but instead, in the way, I was marketing myself.
Unlike so many other freelancing platforms, Legiit allows freelancers to market their services, which we will go into later in this review. Suffice to say though, this review is going to be positive.

If you are on the fence about hopping onboard, allow me to help you decide.

Is Legiit Good For Buyers?

I have been both a buyer and a seller on Legiit, though admittedly sold more than I bought. So, I’ve used Legiit for over two years as a buyer, buying everything from link-building services to guest posts and everything in between, which we will get into in a moment. But first, there are a few things that Legiit offers buyers that other platforms don’t or even won’t:

  • Buyers can directly connect with potential sellers on Legiit’s Facebook page and
  • schedule an interview with them.
  • Buyers can also visit the seller’s Facebook profile to check them out.
  • Thirdly read sellers’ reviews, which, at least in my experience, can’t be faked on Legiit.
  • In addition, buyers are protected by standard escrow payments. You have three days to turn
  • down what was delivered by filing a dispute

A Few Other Customer Features

  • Lots of discounts and promotions
  • Access to a verified list of freelancers from across the world
  • Directly message the seller via the platform
  • Create and send custom offers
  • See your transactions and orders
  • Favorite services you use frequently
  • Create cart bundles

What Can You Expect As A Customer?

I’m not sure exactly how much money I’ve spent however if I were to guess, around $5k, maybe more.

I mainly purchased link-building services, press releases syndication, and WordPress design.

Right off the bat, I can tell you that finding a trusted seller isn’t difficult. You don’t have to sort all the sellers by reviews and buy from the one with the most stars to their name.

You can find somewhat newbie sellers, check out their profile on the Legiit FB group, and then decide to hire them. However, you can employ the most highly reviewed one to play it safe and save yourself the effort.

The first step though is to sign up for a free account. It takes maybe 3 minutes to complete.

If you can’t find what you want, head on to the job board and post your request there.

The FB group is also an excellent place to publish your request if you can’t find a service.

A word of caution: If you try to sneak in as a buyer or customer to market your service or take sellers offsite, it will result in being permanently banned. The same goes if you try to spam the group.

SEO Services

I purchased quite a few SEO-related items on Legiit, which were used to mainly rank my website.

When I first started selling on Legiit, it was known for being a hub for SEO services for buyers and sellers. While it has evolved greatly since then, they are still the most prominent platform for SEO services.

Speaking of which, there are social media services, email marketing, video editing, graphic design, writing services (also offered by yours truly), and even palm readers!

If you need to outsource SEO, Legiit is the go-to place for it. In fact, there is a boatload of agencies that visit the website to unload their entire workload.

Here is a brief list of SEO services you can buy on Legiit:

  • Press releases
  • Guest posts
  • Links from websites
  • Niche edits
  • Foundation link building
  • Audits
  • SEO writing

Purchasing a service is super easy. Just click on ‘buy’, head over to the checkout page, and choose your payment method.

You can then submit requirements like URLs, design specifications, etc.

A word of advice: Unlike other freelancing platforms, simply clicking buying and paying does not start the project. You have to go in, submit the required specifications, and hit ‘start project.’

What To Know Know When Buying SEO Services On Legiit?

The thing you need to keep in mind when buying SEO services on Legiit is to know what you are doing. Every provider offers a different piece of the SEO puzzle, so to speak. It is your job to know which part fits where and when.

When reviewing a freelancer, you purchased a service from, the review should be based on what they delivered.

For instance, if you purchased a backlink from Business Insider, and that is what was delivered, it means the freelancer did their job. Now, this is regardless of if your rankings tanked after that or if it didn’t move the needle.

If you have no idea how to do SEO then purchase a complete ‘done for you’ SEO service. That way, you pay a monthly fee, and the SEO expert handles everything else.

Other Services

If you are in the market for other services, like graphic design or writing, perhaps start by messaging the seller. Maybe interview them to see if they are a good fit for your needs.

You can click on a seller’s profile and send them a direct message. However, read the description for their service, because many sellers will answer most of your questions there. This approach also makes shortlisting the right person for the job easier.

My Experience As A Freelancer

Legiit has been my home for close to three years, and I’m a Legiit exclusive freelancer. That means you will not find me offering services on any other platform.

I didn’t jump into Legiit as a fresh writer. In fact, I had been writing regularly for over twelve years when I joined. I had an established client base.

As soon as I signed up for Legiit, I posted a single service. Then I waited… I figured that the system would run its course, and I’ll get a sale. That is not how it works!

The key for me was joining the Legiit Facebook group. I also went through Chris M. Walker’s live stream.

So, I figured, like most freelancers on the platform soon will, that my service description needed to be reworked.

I stalked Barry Page on Facebook, watched his audits, and implemented what he suggested to other freelancers into my own page.

Once I reworked my service page and started posting on Freelancer Monday, I began to see a steady flow of sales.

The other key is to network with people in the group. If someone has a birthday, congratulate them; the same goes for if someone hits $100k.

Legiit is more like a family, and people are more likely to hire someone they trust.

Legiit Features For Freelancers

  • Create the sales page you always wanted with no limits
  • Withdraw money via Paypal and Payoneer
  • Advertise your service on the home page
  • Customize your thank you note to the client

Features for premium users:

  • Canned replies
  • Analytics
  • Sub-user accounts
  • Coupons & Discounts
  • Bundled Services
  • Volume discounts
  • Recurring Billing

Honestly, after fourteen years of working as a freelancer, I don’t know of a freelancing platform that offers these features.

While Legiit does charge a small commission per sale, most freelancers will agree it is worth every penny and still far less than what the competition charges.

How To Get Your First Sales On Legiit?

I alluded to how most people can start getting their sales rolling by talking about my experience. However, let’s break down the avenues you can use to start working on getting the ball rolling.


Like in the real world, the only way people will know that your service exists is if you promote it. Fortunately, Legiit gives you the platform in the way of its Facebook group.

Every Monday, you get the opportunity to share your services with the group. Your service also gets mentioned in the weekly newsletter. We’ll get into the details of these soon.

  • You will want to share your service link on social media
  • Create a lot of content that talks about your service
  • Build an email list

Honestly, I’ve not done a great job of promoting my writing service. However, start with what you have and maximize it.

Here are a few strategies you can use, but in no way should you limit yourself. The sky is the limit, quite frankly.

Create Content – YouTube Videos and Blog Posts

One of the things that you can and should do is create lots of content around your service. You can have a tutorial about, let’s say, how to write an optimized blog post or how to run a link-building outreach campaign.

You don’t have to blatantly advertise the service; I’d advise against it. Offer people reading or watching value, in the way of teaching them something.

Many people will see the effort involved with doing what you do and decide to hire you to do it for them.

For instance, if you are selling keyword research services. Here are a few things you can create content around:

  • How to find low-hanging fruit?
  • How to do niche research as an affiliate marketer?
  • What keyword research tools are the most accurate?

Collecting Emails Via Your Custom Thank You Page

Now, this must be one of the best things about Legiit. Other platforms don’t allow you much leeway.

Legiit allows you to promote what you want, and it’s 100% allowed. It is perfectly fine to send your buyers or users to an opt-in page to collect emails.

We all have those days when orders aren’t coming in, or there isn’t much to do. If you are experiencing those days, send an email promoting the service.

You can help push people over the fence by even offering a discount. Additionally, I’d advise that you send weekly newsletters talking about something relating to your service.

Promoting Your Service On Social Media

The next thing you’d want to do is promote on social media and more importantly, Facebook.

The way this will work is you start posting your experience, reviews, and other stuff.

My power tip here would be not to undersell yourself. Instead, demonstrate why you are worth the price you are charging. If you are working hard to deliver something, help your potential client understand that.

Growing On Legiit

Don’t try to hack Legiit’s algorithm; it isn’t going to work. In a nutshell, freelance services that have sold a lot with excellent reviews, get ranked on top.

The best way to optimize, and sell to the right people, is to choose the right category for your service, enter the keywords that best describe it, and start promoting it.

Draft A Sales Oriented Service Page

Your service page should sell the service. Yes, writing a service page isn’t easy; that’s why writers like me can write one for you.

However, not having a service page that sells your service is a costly mistake, one that I learned the hard way. In addition to selling your service, the page should also spit facts, for instance, if you are a graphics designer, then state the facts surrounding the importance of a blog post having an infographic.

Also, don’t just list your benefits; explain them to the reader. Show proof of what you have done for previous clients and explain how customers can use your service.

The sign of a well-written service page is that it is all about the customer and not the seller!

Rack Up Reviews

Legiit ranks services based on the number and quality of those reviews. One reason is that it tells prospects what they can expect from you.

90% of the reviews will stem from you doing a good job. But make sure that your thank you message gently asks that the buyer leaves you a review.

Don’t tell the client you want 5 stars; that isn’t allowed on the platform. Instead, say, “I’d appreciate a few stars if you found my service helpful.”

People who are good will have no problem racking up reviews. However, one way to speed up the process is to lower your price. Though I’m against this practice, it may help newbie users gain some traction early on.

While it may seem like having to work tirelessly to earn your rightly deserved top spot, there is no way of getting around having to work. Fortunately, Legiit rewards hard work sooner than later!

The Legiit Facebook Group

I touched upon this many times in the review because the group is a big part of being successful on Legiit. Here are a few opportunities that the Legiit Facebook group offers:

Legiit Monday – Freelancers get to post or share their services on the group every Monday. They can offer discounts and other deals. Many customers hang around waiting for Legiit Monday, so this is your chance to shine.

Legiit Roundup – The weekly roundup newsletter is sent to everyone who signs up for Legiit. It highlights a service, specific exclusive discounts, etc. You can add your service to the post every Tuesday.

Share reviews – If a customer left you an outstanding review, share it on Facebook. You can click the ‘share’ button on Legiit under the review. Sharing reviews is social proof, so customers see that others have had a good experience and are motivated to hire you.

The Billion Dollar Question: Is Legiit Worth The Effort?

It was certainly worth the time and effort for me. Think of it this way I’ve been doing this for 14 years! And if Legiit has helped me grow, think about what it can do for newbie freelancers.

While I’m not big on selling my service on freelance marketplaces, I’m a fan of Legiit because the platform is transparent, they provide all the tools for freelancers to succeed, and Chris is someone I followed (not stalked) way before Legiit!

I can’t speak for other platforms, but my experience with Legiit’s support has also been excellent. While I haven’t won every dispute, since the time I’ve been around, in all fairness I’ve only ever had two disputes.

Legiit offers better support, a better platform, lower fees, and they (the creators) want you to succeed.

What Does It Cost – Legiit Pricing

Signing up for Legiit is free, but freelancers need to pay each time they sell.

Freelancers pay 15% per sale. Buyers or customers don’t pay anything.

Sellers can gain access to additional features by paying $28 per month for Legiit Premium.

Legiit Support

In my experience and those of countless others that have used and continue to use the platform, Legiit’s support is excellent, to say the least.

Support responds within 20 minutes to most issues.

However, approving a service can and often takes time since each has to be manually reviewed. Fortunately, this one step allows many of us to continue working on the platform without worrying about spammers giving us a bad rep.

All support related issues should be directed to Legiit.freshdesk.com.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, folks; I’m pretty sure you now have a pretty good idea of what Legiit is all about.

Whether you are a freelancer or a business that wants to outsource numerous tasks, the platform takes a great deal of frustration out of the process. Finding what you want is easy, and the odds of being scammed are also next to none.

Honestly, don’t take my or anyone else’s word for it; give Legiit a shot…its free!

More to explorer

Legiit Review: How I Earned Over $10,000

Share on facebookFACEBOOK Share on googleGOOGLE+ Share on twitterTWITTER Share on linkedinLINKEDIN In the past year, I’ve been using Legiit as a customer and freelancer.

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